Best rated dogs bed for humans online store

Excellent pet bed for humans online store Australia: In order to fit an adult it needs to be big, of course. It's a little over 5 and a half feet long (68 inches) and 2.7 feet wide (33 inches). I'm 5' foot 7", and my husband is 6' foot 2", so neither of us could stretch out straight within the bolsters, but I was comfortable snuggled with my legs the way I usually sleep anyway, or letting them hang over the edge if I felt like stretching. The bolsters give it a good depth, and it's comfortable enough to support your head without adding a separate pillow. I do wish one end was stiffer or had back support. It's extremely easy to lie down in it, but not as easy to sit up and lean back. I used a stiff pillow, like the Quiet Mind weighted pillow, to keep myself propped up, but you shouldn't have to add a pricey pillow to an already pricey bed. In the meantime, a cheap bed rest pillow would probably help. Find more details on dog bed for humans australia.

As an avid nap lover, it was my faithful ally. Curling up and taking a nap felt like a dream, although a full stretch of my legs resulted in my feet hanging off the edge. The plush cushioning of the base left zero room for discomfort, isolating me pleasantly from the hard ground beneath. Countless times, I’ve envied a sleeping dog’s level of comfort and coziness in its bed. I found myself the cradle of such coziness, tipping the scales of envy in my favor. Who Can Benefit From Human Dog Beds? Human Dog Beds cater to a broad demographic, but some profiles might find them particularly appealing: Pet Parents: For those who love their pets and wouldn’t mind sharing their rest space with them, human dog beds can be a fantastic choice. Whether you enjoy reading with your pet curled up beside you or desire naps with your dog without negotiating space on your bed, these beds hit the spot.

Human dog bed online shopping today: Space Savers: Human dog beds are also a boon for homes where space is at a premium. Instead of having separate spaces for pets and humans to relax, these innovative beds allow for shared relaxation without overcrowding. Simply put, human dog beds present a relaxation solution tailored to the needs of our contemporary, pet-inclusive lifestyle, making them prospective game-changers in home relaxation. Are we ready to ditch traditional beds for Human Dog Beds? Whether we are ready to replace traditional beds with human dog beds completely varies from individual to individual and depends on multiple factors – lifestyle preferences, space availability, and the pet’s habits, to name a few.

Listen to your body. If the discomfort persists even after several nights of trying to adapt, it might be worth considering alternative solutions or consulting a health professional. Getting used to sleeping on the floor isn’t an overnight task. But with minor adjustments and key techniques, you can make the process smoother. Layering: Layer your bed with serval blankets, mats, or sleeping bags for added comfort. Body Alignment: Use pillows to provide the right support to your body. Ensure your head, neck, and spine are aligned in a straight line. Regular Stretching: Regular stretching, or yoga before bedtime, can help to relax the muscles and prepare your body for a restful night on the floor. Stay Warm: As floors can often be colder than a mattress, keep yourself warm enough for a comfortable sleep. Comfort while sleeping on the floor largely depends on how well-prepared you are to transition. Be patient; soon your body will adapt to the new sleeping arrangements.

Dog beds for humans are an emerging sleep (nap) industry trend. An ingenious blend of a welcoming pet bed and a snug human bed, this intriguing piece of furniture captures the essence of mutual relaxation. These beds cater particularly to pet owners who cherish sharing intimate downtime with their doggies. The concept thrives on the bond we share with our pets, providing a common ground – quite literally – to enhance that feeling of camarity and companionship. Now, the lines are blurred in loving favor of shared spaces, which is gaining traction worldwide. How it all began: The Inspiration - The inspiration behind the Human Dog Bed came from our daily observations. Pet owners often find their pets snuggling up on their sofas or beds, seeking warmth, comfort and attention.

Kids: Kids almost always enjoy plopping down on a comfy, stuffed dog bed. It’s like a cushy floor lounger made especially for them. Those Seeking Back Support: The bolstered backrests provide ergonomic lumbar support if you want to sit up and read or watch TV. Additionally, people who prefer sleeping on the floor for personal comfort reasons may also find the design beneficial for their sleep preferences. People Looking for Unusual Furniture: For some, a human-sized dog bed just fits with a quirky or eccentric décor aesthetic. People Living in Camped Spaces: In apartments or smaller homes, a human dog bed could serve as a space-saving solution by combining the sleeping areas for humans and dogs into one piece of furniture. Frequent Travellers: A portable human dog bed could serve as a familiar and comfortable sleeping space for those who often travel. Discover additional details at

Side sleepers could put a pillow between their knees and another one between the waist and floor to relieve tension in the hip joint and lower back region. And, don’t forget a high-loft pillow to fill in the space between your shoulder and neck. For all sleep positions, using an extra pillow as a knee or elbow rest helps prevent painful contact with the ground. Choosing the right kind of support here ensures proper body alignment. The right alignment helps to maintain natural body postures, thereby providing a comfortable sleeping experience, free of aches and body strains.

Don’t compromise your healthy lifestyle. Enjoy a nap and wake up not just refreshed, but also to a clean and hygienic bed. You can easily hand wash or machine wash the Nap Bed cover, a feature that sets us apart from the norm and ensures your well-being. Our Nap Bed is the epitome of product design that places customer comfort at the forefront while ensuring a stylish aesthetic. Shape: The oval shape of the bed not only adds a contemporary touch to your decor but is also practical as it naturally cuddles you into a fetal sleeping position, promoting a psychologically comforting effect and high-quality sleep. Orthopedic Foam: Brimming with orthopedic foam, the bed offers unrivalled support for your body, ensuring you wake up after your nap with reduced aches and pains. Thick Pillow Border: To level up the comfort factor, the Nap Bed comes with a thick pillow border allowing users to comfortably tuck their hands and feet in. It adds to the feel of being enveloped in a soft, warm hug, encouraging peaceful sleep.