Lab grown diamond bulk supplier right now

Hpht diamond bulk manufacturer from China: Natural diamonds have the same physical and chemical characteristics as lab grown diamond, both being three-dimensional crystalline minerals formed from the element carbon, the main difference being the way in which they are formed. Natural diamonds grow hundreds of kilometres from the surface in the high-temperature, high-pressure lower mantle, and take millions of years of crustal movement to reach the surface of the earth in volcanic eruptions before becoming a mineable mineral, whereas lab grown diamond are formed in a matter of weeks in a human-cultivated environment. The physical and chemical properties of the finished cultivated diamond are not dissimilar to those of a natural diamond. See even more details on hpht diamond.

Clarity, which represents the internal flaws of the diamond. It is categorized into FL Flawless, where no inclusions are visible under 10x magnification, VVS, Very Slightly Included, where very small inclusions are visible under 10x magnification. This grade is a collector's item and is very rare. vvs grade, Very Slightly Included, tiny inclusions visible under 10x magnification. vs extreme, Slightly Included, tiny inclusions visible under 10x magnification. si micro inclusions, inclusions visible under 10x magnification. l grade, inclusions that may be visible to the naked eye if some large diamonds are on the surface. Some large diamonds may also have inclusions that are directly visible to the naked eye if they are on the surface. l grade, inclusions are more easily seen directly by the naked eye and can affect the brilliance of the diamond.

The CVD cultivation method means that a thin diamond wafer is used as a seed and placed in a cultivation tank to artificially simulate the growth environment of a mineral diamond, causing carbon atoms to accumulate on the crystals to form a rough diamond. Diamonds grown by this method are llA diamonds, which are very clean and translucent. Most of the diamond colors are FGH, and the DE colors are less. If you want to choose a better and safer Lab grown diamond, we recommend you choose a CVD diamond, and if you want to choose a slightly lower price, go for HPHT (if you are not afraid of not being able to pass the diamond tester), but compared to natural diamonds, the price of Lab grown diamonds is already very low, and you have already saved a lot of money, so we don't feel the need to save that little bit of money.

But ash diamonds, can be arbitrarily selected red, yellow, blue and green: for example, control the nitrogen content will be able to create orange-red or light yellow diamonds, control the boron element will be able to create blue diamonds, like colored diamonds, it is difficult not to be moved. Moreover, the vast majority of colored urn diamonds are even less expensive than white urn diamonds, because making white requires extracting the purest carbon and a higher technical threshold. Natural diamonds can never be directly linked to any individual, but cultivated diamonds, whose "DNA" is the wealth code, can.

Some have questioned that the price of such lab grown diamond is beyond that of regular lab grown diamond, but some pet owners still find it worthwhile and consider it the best kind of grief consolation. This pet lover is not an isolated case, there are many people recommend this kind of pet diamond," and said that it does not necessarily have to be ashes - if the pet is still alive, you can also cut its hair to create an exclusive DNA diamond, in time to keep everything about your pet. This custom diamond made from hair or ashes is essentially a type of lab grown diamond.

Natural diamonds are more difficult to mine and more expensive, and colored diamonds are even rarer and more expensive. Lab grown diamond have entered the public consumption field, but many people do not know enough about fancy color lab grown diamond, so how their color is made? Colorless lab grown diamond: Colorless lab grown diamond are produced using the HTHP method and the CVD method. The HTHP method used to produce diamonds has the element N in its composition, which is why our lab lab grown diamond appear yellow. In order to produce colorless diamonds, the N element must be absorbed, so diamonds produced by the HTHP method are colorless type IIa.

Lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds differ only in the environment in which they are created, and have exactly the same characteristics in terms of raw materials, chemical composition, optical properties, physical properties, and crystal structure. Even a diamond tester will tell you that a diamond is a real diamond, and even professional appraisers have difficulty distinguishing it from a natural diamond. Lab-grown diamonds are scientifically proven to be "real" diamonds, not merely "similar" looking stones such as cubic zirconia. See even more information at

Nitrogen impurities, low quality, various forms of impurities will affect the color of the diamond itself, so there will be colorless, yellowish, brown and so on a variety of colors, generally according to the quality of the use of the decision, can be used for jewelry, industry and so on. 1b: Nitrogen impurities are abundant, but the nitrogen contained is in monatomic form, resulting in an overall yellow color, ranging from dark to light. There are very few natural diamonds of this type in stock, but the HPHT factory in China produces them on a daily basis, covering more than 90% of the world's production capacity. Synthetic diamonds of this type are used as cutting tools or abrasives.