Excellent commercial UCC lien mediation legal solutions by Lincoln and Morgan

Legal & Litigation law firm from Lincoln and Morgan California : We have a national network of highly trained creditors rights attorneys that are able to give us a local presence wherever needed. They are available to mediate and when necessary proceed with local legal recovery of the funds and secured assets. Each venue has its unique challenges and this valuable resource gives us the national and local presence necessary to achieve the best results. We pledge the highest possible results all while providing a professional, ethical and transparent approach for all parties affected. We are committed to offering excellence in all aspects of the process. At any point in the process, prior to retrieval, we are open to mediate with all parties for the proper release of the UCC liens and security agreements involved. See even more info on Lincoln & Morgan.

Full Service International Department: We (Lincoln and Morgan) have senior investigators with many years of experience that have recovered in over 70 countries and have the means and capabilities to do so in over 200 countries worldwide. We (Lincoln & Morgan) maintain a multilingual staff and offer translating services in over 100 countries. Flexibility in Approach: Historical studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Economics reveal that each day after a receivable becomes 90 days past due, you have a problem, regardless of the reasons provided by the customer. We (Lincoln and Morgan) can do the “soft audit” mediation for your existing clients through a full-scale litigation recovery effort.

Other advantages of mediation include: the fact that parties can engage without being seen to lose face as mediation is a planned part of the dispute resolution process; the mediator can be entrusted with the "true" position of each party as to where it will settle, hence he can help the parties to bridge the gap between them since he will know how wide the gap truly is as opposed to the parties' public statements; a mediator does not judge the issues but facilitates agreements which can be committed to in a binding form.

We (Lincoln and Morgan) are available to assist in training our clients to understand A/R management from 31 days past due and beyond. This ensures minimal losses and calculated cash flow to keep your business profitable and growing! We also provide a complete in house program including a series of letters for our clients to follow to ensure that receivables are recovered internally when possible and your cash flow is quick and steady. We’re here to push your boundaries to generate more awareness, interest, and interactions. We’ll take your business further than you ever thought it could go.

However, mediation is more than simple negotiation, it is a technique for enhancing negotiation which shifts the focus from the parties' respective positions to settlement itself. Whereas negotiations usually take place between the lawyers and are part of the adversarial process, mediation is a process in itself into which all the parties – the commercial parties and their lawyers – invest time and effort. At least a day will be set aside with all key players physically present and the presence of the mediator – the independent third party – creates a sense of formality and a "day in court". This provides a structure and discipline to the negotiation, encourages negotiation and enhances the seriousness of the intention to settle.