Premium invest and financial success methods

Investing methods today? We created Mastering Investments because there was nothing that showed a complete beginner how to start investing their own capital from zero. We filled that void, and very effectively. To invest successfully and change your life, you need to learn and apply the content in your own life consistently. Mastering Investments provides a proven investment framework and all the necessary know-how to succeed. Proven Process We turned the guesswork of investing successfully into a holistic framework. Follow practical step-by-step instructions that are proven to work. Expert Know-How The Know-How revelead is result of many years of failure and improvements. Read even more info on learn how to invest.

Never spent more than you earn. Do not take any loans, except in the case for high quality real estate. This is the most important rule of financial success. Even celebrities earning millions per year, do not get this rule right sometimes. And they go broke. It is just simple math. Do not make this mistakes. You do not just want to have a higher income than expenses, you want the income to be much higher than your expenses. Try to increase the difference between income and expenses as much as you can. You will have much more capital. Your wealth will grow much, much faster if you invest. Use this tool to see how fast your capital can grow. Live a couple of years like others won't, so you can live later a life that other's can't. It will pay off more than you can imagine. It can also come much sooner than you can imagine. Have patience and trust in yourself.

The basics of personal finance is this: where is your income and cash coming from? The concept of the cashflow quadrant comes from Robert Kiyosaki, the Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The left side (employee E and self-employed S) are exchanging their time for money. This means, without them working they do not earn money. Now lets look at the right side. The business owner B, and the investor I, are not exchanging their time for money. They are doing something different. They are using people (or systems) to generate cash. The investor uses money itself to make more money.

I was a normal engineering employee in the German automotive industry - totally unrelated to finance. How come that I am writing now a blog about how to learn to invest? In my last job, I was not really happy or fulfilled. I asked myself. Why am I on this world? Is the 9-5 my outlook for the rest of my life? The thought of me at my death bed, regretting not trying, not pursuing my passion was too much. I could not take it. I had to do something about it. I wanted to change. I needed to change. See extra details on

Hedge funds may invest in a spectrum of assets designed to deliver beyond market returns, called “alpha.” However, performance is not guaranteed, and hedge funds can see incredible shifts in returns, sometimes underperforming the market by a significant margin. Typically only available to accredited investors, these vehicles often require high initial investments of $1 million or more. They also tend to impose net worth requirements. Hedge fund investments may tie up an investor’s money for substantial time periods.